All posts by admin

prepare for running

Tips to practice running

Tips to prepare for running training sessions for new runners.Nowadays, health and fitness trends are on the rise. In particular, running . It no matter where you turn it, you can often see many health lovers inviting each other to run for exercise. Whether they are celebrities,

get your sanity

“get your sanity” back before anything goes wrong!

“get your sanity” back before anything goes wrong!. Living without consciousness, even in the moment But it can make us make mistakes, so let’s hurry and get our minds back before things are too late to fix it. 1. Recognize that you are angry, angry, and upset when

work from home

What kind of work from home will save your costs ?

WFH! What kind of work from home will save you energy costs and waste the least?. Although many people are confined to home and work from home for a while. The problem that follows is the “electricity bill” that has increased significantly.  Choose to sit in the coolest

black coffee

The advantages of black coffee

The advantages of black coffee are good for health.Who likes to drink black coffee? Black coffee has a bitter taste. Some people may not like. But black coffee is beneficial for health. Anyone who likes to drink a delicious sweet espresso cappuccino latte. I want you to try to drink

rules of communication

6 rules of communication

6 rules of communication with anyone that sounds believable.Because every day we all need to communicate and communicate on a regular basis. There are many ways to chat to impress the interlocutor. Here are some key points that GoodLife would like to recommend to everyone to adopt are: 1.

stop doing bad habit

If you want happiness just stop doing bad habit.

How can we stop doing bad habit ? So what is bad with life? Anything that has been done in life is rarely found to be very happy. Some people may do it without knowing. Like that in everyday life until getting used to and numbed with these

Check yourself that we are. Are you working too hard?

Check yourself that we are. Are you working too hard?

Check yourself that we are. Are you working too hard? Many people work hard as slaves. But did not realize that he was Overworked Until loss of life balance (Work-life balance) come to check yourself with 8 short questions that will help us see the root cause of the

fasting is good for gut bacteria

Recent research suggests fasting is good for gut bacteria.

The Recent research suggests fasting is good for gut bacteria. Gut bacteria are essential for emotional regulation. Protect the immune system And absorption of nutrient. From now on, there are some simple ways to promote the activity of these bacteria. The power of fasting and the benefits of


6 benefits that we will get from quitting sugar

6 benefits that we will get from quitting sugar. have you ever tried not to eat sugar for a month yet? It’s a challenge, but it’s worth it. Believe it or not, 80% of the food in supermarkets has sugar in it. have you ever tried not