What is Brain dump?

What is Brain dump ? Brain dump is to organize thoughts. Or conveying a pile of ideas and stories in the head. Using the method of writing on paper, in a notebook or in computers and phones.

What is Brain dump?

Why do we have to do a brain dump ? Our brains remember a lot of information. Each day we don’t have one thing to think about. We think both about work Family matters Personal matters, goals, lifeguards, as a whole, it becomes a huge amount of information. What time do we think Will give us tons of brain symptoms I can’t think of anything So we had to clear our brain by ufabet organizing brain dump thinking.

How to make Brain Dump

1. Select the device you want to write down or paint, you can print or write.

2. Choose a calm area. Or what I like to sit quietly, in a house or a coffee shop, as long as you can concentrate.

What is Brain dump?

3. Do writing or or typing Everything your brain thinks at that time, without any rules, can be written independently, such as “This rainbow has to go to pay for the electricity”, “I want to rest”, “I want to buy a new pair of shoes,” “I have to go to work” written on the same page. Give it 10 minutes or so.

4. After the writing has finished everything, take a break and go for a walk. Go to the bathroom, whatever that means

5. After the completion of the accommodation To categorize information written into each topic, such as work, kitchen, goals, life. What i have to do

6. After sorting out all written data. We can see that there is a lot of information to deal with. Begin to design and manage information individually. 

For example, identify something urgent. Things that are not urgent Come out clear Including specifying what is not necessary What should I do before, after? It will be organized into a monthly calendar that details things to do and what days to do what. Or a checklist What to do When you first start doing it, it might seem complicated. By doing this for a while, you will be able to better manage your thoughts and order from Brain Dump.