Can the glasses block blue light or not ?

Can the glasses block blue light or not ?

Can the glasses block blue light or not ? Blue light is the light present in various digital devices. That are used in everyday life. Such as televisions, computers, mobile phones or tablets. Which people who use their eyes to stare at the screen for a

When should I wear glasses?

When should I wear glasses?

When should I wear glasses? If your vision is blurry, objects aren’t as clear as you used to, you experience eye strain or headaches while reading, sewing, or doing other activities, you may be experiencing vision problems. Should go see an ophthalmologist and optometrist for eye testingand glasses.

How many types of glasses are there?

How many types of glasses are there?

How many types of glasses are there?   Single lens (Single Vision) lens is used to solve any long term vision. Four multi-lens collection (Multifocal) is a lens that allows users to see multiple stages. both near and far. The top lens will help to see the distance vision

5 great advantages from work from home

5 great advantages from work from home

1. Pajamas are your work clothes. Many people choose to wear pajamas instead of work clothes. Which is not unusual because if you have to work from home without video conferencing. Or you have to travel outside. Pajamas = work clothes that answer lazy people. But need to

5 ways to deal with your mental health

5 ways to deal with your mental health

5 ways to deal with your mental health to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. The COVID-19 epidemic puts us under stringent social practice and measures that must be followed together. To prevent the spread of disease. This affects many aspects such as life, work, economy, society, education. Especially

Skin changes

Skin changes

Epidermis layer Is the outermost layer, it will look thinner If a wound occurs, the repair will be slower. More dry skin Because the sebaceous glands produce a decrease The skin of the elderly. therefore lacks fat to coat the skin, resulting in increased water loss from the skin. The

5 immune supplements

5 immune supplements

Here are 5 easy-to-find nutrients that will help boost your immune system with 5 immune supplements. Reinforcing the shield to prevent the villainous virus from destroying us. I can’t deny that Today, people live more carefully. Protect yourself by all means To get away with COVID-19, Round 3 is

recipes to accelerate long hair

Simple recipes to accelerate long hair

   Simple recipes to accelerate long hair. Any short haired girl who wants to accelerate long hair, want long hair quickly, do not wait, hurry and see the  formula for accelerating long hair. That we bring to each other today, urgently! Bored with short hair, I want to grow longer. But to make

Easy tips to reduce hair loss

Easy tips to reduce hair loss

     Easy tips to reduce hair loss . Is it ok? Wash your hair at any hair loss in clumps. Plus I am still thin until my friends say I am bald! Anyone who is troubled with this hair loss problem , follow us this way. Today we have a good

How to treat blemishes

How to treat blemishes and dark spots on the face

1. Take tretinoin drugs.       How to treat blemishes and dark spots on the face. Medicines used to treat melasma and dark spots Will be a drug that can be purchased at a drugstore. The first group is the tretinoin (vitamin A derivative), which the mechanism