Tag Archives: work from home

Work - Life Balance

4 Steps to have Work – Life Balance in life

4 Steps to have Work – Life Balance in life for good lifestyle . If we want to work smoothly and live in harmony. Also known as Work-Life Balance, we have to manage things. to achieve smoothness Because if you focus on one or the other, there might not be much balance. Focusing

Good Habits for work

5 Good Habits for work

5 Good Habits for work. If we want to be an important person in the company, have good results, always work smart and knowledgeable, what should we do? Today, GL is bringing 5 habits that a smart worker should have for her friends of Goodlife. 1.

work from home

What kind of work from home will save your costs ?

WFH! What kind of work from home will save you energy costs and waste the least?. Although many people are confined to home and work from home for a while. The problem that follows is the “electricity bill” that has increased significantly.  Choose to sit in the coolest